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Guest on Richard Gazala's blog

Here's the link...http://rgazala.blogspot.com/2012/03/author-spotlight-tim-wendel.html
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Thumbs-up from Kirkus Reviews

During one of the most tumultuous years in our history, a remarkable baseball season unfolded.

In 1968, most baseball players had to work a second job to make ends meet. There were no wild-card teams or division winners. That year the Detroit Tigers became only the third club in history to rally from a 3-1  Read More 
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'Summer' one of PW's Top 10 for this spring

Detroit, 1967

Spring 2012 Announcements: Sports: Olympians, Yogi & the Knuckler
By Michael Coffey
Jan 20, 2012

This June, the Summer Olympics from London will be hard to escape, and there are no fewer than five books in the pages that follow that deal with the history of Olympic competition in one way or the other.

All of the Olympics  Read More 

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Library Journal review

Library Journal
Wendel (fiction & nonfiction writing, Johns Hopkins Univ.; High Heat: The Secret History of the Fastball and the Improbable Search for the Fastest Pitcher of All Time) follows the tradition of homing in on a key year in both baseball and U.S. history. America was being torn apart in 1968, and baseball was  Read More 
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'Summer' cover is done

Thanks to the good folks at Da Capo for their hard work with the Summer of '68 cover. With blurbs from Ken Burns, Tom Stanton, John Thorn, David Maraniss and Hampton Sides, the new one is due out March 13, 2012.
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Another endorsement for Summer of '68

This is from my good friend and top Detroit author Tom Stanton:
"No book better captures how in 1968 sports changed America -- and vice versa. In splendid fashion, Tim Wendel takes us on a rollicking journey through an unparalleled year of tumult, tragedy and, too, joy. Summer of '68 reads like a novel brimming  Read More 
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First endorsement for Summer of '68

“As always, Tim Wendel gets to the heart of this game and the complicated republic it so precisely mirrors.”
-- Ken Burns
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Moving ahead on book front

Just sent off the captions for the 16-pages of photos in the Summer of '68. Next up is reading the copy-edited version. Pub date is officially March 13, 2012.
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Mr. Holland's Opus

A few summers ago, when I was in Texas researching High Heat, I spoke with Derek Holland about what it was like to have Nolan Ryan as the president of the ballclub he pitched for. What kind of influence did Ryan have, if any?

"We talk a fair amount," said Holland, who was struggling  Read More 
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RFK in Indianapolis

The night Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, it fell to Robert Kennedy, then running for the Democratic Party nomination for president, to tell a crowd in Indianapolis the bad news. Speaking from the heart, from little notes, he told the crowd that his family had suffered from such a tragedy. Of  Read More 

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