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REBEL FALLS, a historical novel, will be released in May from Three Hills/Cornell Press. Ken Burns says, "Once again, Tim Wendel finds a riveting story to tell, this time in a little-known theater of our most complicated of wars."


Poet E. Ethelbert Miller adds that it's "as if history is looking over your shoulder."

Novelist Mary Kay Zuravleff calls the novel "vivid and surprising," while SirusXM's Larry Kirwan salutes the novel's "vibrant new heroine."


Here's the short book trailer



ESCAPE FROM CASTRO'S CUBA, the sequel to CASTRO'S CURVEBALL, was a finalist for the CASEY Award and the Indie Book Award. In addition, the novels have been optioned as a possible limited series for Netflix or Amazon Prime.


Meanwhile, Sam Pollard has agreed to direct a documentary of SUMMER OF '68: WHEN BASEBALL CHANGED BASEBALL, AND AMERICA, FOREVER




A writer-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University, I've published 16 books, including the award-winning CANCER CROSSINGS and SUMMER OF '68My stories and/or columns have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, National Geographic, Psychology Today, GQ and Esquire. Pulitzer Prize winner David Maraniss calls my work "a winning mix of science, biography and mythology."



I've received JHU's Teaching Excellence Award three times and the Professional Achievement Award three times. I'm one of the founders of Baseball Weekly and a longtime contributor to the USA Today editorial page.  


Raised in Lockport, N.Y., one of my first jobs was writing music reviews for the Buffalo Courier-Express. Since then I've traveled to Cuba, Brazil, Nepal, Japan, China, Europe and throughout North America, with a notebook in hand.