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Shifting gears

Perhaps the strangest thing about being a writer these days is the mind-boggling, whiplash shift that's sometimes required. Since early April I've been on and off the road, promoting DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH. It's been a ton of fun as I visited great venues in 10-plus states and met some awesome people. Folks  Read More 
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Four gigs in six days

The week began in Baltimore for a special class at Johns Hopkins. The next morning it was onto Bowling Green, Ky., and the great book festival they have there.
By the next afternoon, I was flying home in time to talk about DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH before a standing-room crowd at Politics & Prose.  Read More 

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Last Pitch in MSP

Here's the fearsome foursome from last Thursday's fun panel at the Minneapolis Library. Left to right, John Rosengren, myself, Twins announcer Dick Bremer and Rob Weintraub. Great time talking baseball over the last half-century.

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Next stop? Twin Cities

Excited about being in the Twin Cities talking about DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH at the end this week. But as I head out the door I'm also thankful for the good folks for putting up a short story of mine -- http://www.stymiemag.com/2014/04/tim-wendel-downward-facing-dog-fiction.html
This started as an essay and  Read More 
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Great time in CVille

This was my fourth appearance at the VA Festival for the Book. The good folks there moved heaven and earth to have copies of DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH available, even though the pub date isn't until April 1.
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Last Pitch to the Printers

The final edits are finished and the cover is done, with great endorsements from Jane Leavy, John Thorn and Claire Smith. That means DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH is off to the printers, with a pub date of April 1.
A half-dozen appearances have already been lined up, with more on the way. Keep watching  Read More 
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Closing flurry

A fun stretch run heading into the holiday season. I returned to the Miami Book Fair, which is always at the top of my list. How can you beat 80-degree temperatures in November and hanging with the great cast of characters Mitchell Kaplan from Books & Books brings together?
I rolled the dice at the  Read More 
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Coming up for air

Down to the Last Pitch (Da Capo Press)

I was in pedal-to-the-metal mode for much of the summer and into the fall. But I'm pleased to announce that my new book, DOWN TO THE LAST PITCH, will be released by Da Capo Press this spring. March 11, 2014, to be exact.
It's the story of arguably the greatest World Series ever played and deals with  Read More 

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Habana Libre now on ebook

Thrilled to have HABANA LIBRE now available on ebook formats -- Kindle, Nook, etc. Thanks to Gregg Wilhelm and the good folks at CityLit Press for making this happen.
Ebook cost? Only $3.99.
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Excerpt from Sports Night in CVille

Dave Zirin, me, Frank Deford, Jane Leavy and John Grisham

Click here for a discussion about the magic of baseball from our evening at VA Festival for the Book in Charlottesville.

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