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'Summer of '68' trailer

Below is the trailer for the SUMMER OF '68 documentary. It's currently storyboarded as a five-part series and I think you'll agree that it rocks. Pardon Denny McLain's F-bombs, but he's rapidly becoming the Shelby Foote of this project.

Right now we're looking for a few folks with money who would like to be excutive producers and help us make this a reality.

Here's the link --  https://www.dropbox.com/s/ip1glvc4pdv2617/1968SizzleFinal.mp4?dl=0

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Audio work

Doing the audiobook for CANCER CROSSINGS has opened up new doors. Other voices have already done SUMMER OF '68 and CASTRO'S CURVEBALL and others, but it looking through my contracts I found that I still hold the rights to HABANA LIBRERED RAIN and BUFFALO, HOME OF THE BRAVES. With the latter, we have also located many of the interviews I did with Bob McAdoo, Jack Ramsay, Randy Smith and others. 

I'll be returning to the recording studio later this year, so let me know if you have a favorite, one you'd love to hear the story in audio

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'Cancer Crossings' anniversary

Cancer Crossings: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest to for a Cure to Childhood Leukemia

A year ago, CANCER CROSSINGS was released. I'd like to thank everyone who came out for my appearances on both coasts and in between. I'm writing several new projects now, but I'll continue to work with those in the medical community and families impacted by childhood leukemia.

More on that in the months ahead.

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Buffalo's best team ever? The Cancer Cowboys

The Buffalo Sabres are winning again in my hometown of Buffalo, New York.

My beloved Bills may make the playoffs again -- someday.

But while touring for "Cancer Crossings" A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest for a Cure to Childhood Leukemia," I was asked if this medical advance, dare say medical miracle, could have happened anywhere else except Western New York?

I decided that Roswell Park was the only place and the "Cancer Cowboys" were the best team or organization ever in Buffalo. Here's a link to my recent column about this in the Buffalo News



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"Summer of '68' returns to L.A., Oct. 25 & Oct. 27

Thrilled to be returning to the L.A. to discuss the "Summer of '68: The Year That Changed Baseball -- And America -- Forever.

On Thursday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m., I'll be at Villalobos Hall, Whittier College (13507 Earlham Drive, Whittier, Calif.) For more information, (562) 907-4803, (626) 791-7647, or terymar@earthlink.net

On Saturday, Oct. 27, 2 p.m., I'll be at the Allendale Branch Library (1130 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Calif.) For more information, (626) 791-7647, (626) 744-7260, or terymar@earthlink.net

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Free download of Cancer Crossings

The first seven chapters of "Cancer Crossings: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest to Cure Childhood Leukemia" are available through the end of this week on BookGrabbr. Here you go -- https://grabbr.com/contentpage/558-celebrate-life-ccam-cancer-crossings-giveaway#.W5a3p-gCI_w.gmail

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Summer of '68 exhibit in SoCal

Thrilled to be a part of this new exhibit at the Pasadena Library. Here's the official release:
BAD MOON RISING: We are pleased to share a few photos from today’s installation of the exhibition “Bad Moon Rising: Baseball and the Summer of ’68,” on view from September 3-November 15, 2018 at Whittier College’s Wardman Library.
Presented by the Institute for Baseball Studies and the Baseball Reliquary, the exhibition is based on Tim Wendel’s book “Summer of ’68: The Season That Changed Baseball – and America – Forever,” the research materials for which are in the collection of the Institute.  Read More 

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End of summer with Cancer Crossings

Brilliant Books' front window, Traverse City, Mich.

I ended the summer by attending a family reunion in the Traverse City, Mich., area and appearing at Brilliant Books on Front Street there. The acclaimed film festival had just concluded and it was a great time.
Fun to catch up with family and friends, and the good folks at Brilliant Books are top-notch.  Read More 

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On Amazon's Alexa

You can now find me there under the handle Bookish Tim -- https://www.witlingo.com/bookish-tim/
Just follow the prompts and you can hear me reading from various works in the upcoming weeks. Some of these will be my own -- Cancer Crossings, Summer of '68, etc. -- but more will be short passages from my favorite writers, famous and unknown.
I'll soon be on Google Home and Microsoft Cortana, too.  Read More 
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In S.F. with Alta Magazine

The launch for "Cancer Crossings" began on April 15 at Politics & Prose in Washington, D.C., and the first wave of promotion finished 3,000 miles away on June 6 at Book Passage in Corte Madera, Calif.
Book Passage is another amazing indie bookstore. My thanks to the great folks there and to Alta Magazine for naming me as part of its reading series.
Go to Tim Wendel Books on Facebook to find video from the appearance.
It was an incredible 10-week run and so good to catch up with so many friends and make many new ones, too.  Read More 

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