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Ken Burns blurb

OK, no more whining about looking for cover endorsements. The first cover blurb is in and they don't get any bigger than Ken Burns. Thanks to Ken for taking the time to read High Heat and then write, "Tim Wendel has done it again. Like a batter bending away from a curveball that cuts  Read More 
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Trolling for blurbs

I cannot think of anything more humbling than trolling for "blurbs" or cover endorsements for your book.
Yet that's where I find myself as we race toward the holidays and the new year.
With High Heat being printed  Read More 
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"Bridge Job'

After watching Brad Lidge give away Game Four of the World Series, I got to thinking about Dennis Eckersley, the Hall of Fame closer for the Oakland A's.
I covered the ballclub when La Russa & Co. turned Eck into a closer, which he wasn't too happy about at first.
One evening, after Eckersley had  Read More 
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Inside skinny

Intriguing look inside the editing process at Creative Nonfiction magazine. The editors there reveal what was added and what left out of three recent stories in the publication.
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Blogging elsewhere

Keeping busy by doing several guest blogs in the past week. I know, I should be blogging more on my own site, but what can I say?
My five top sports novels went up on Jen Michalski's great High Five site. All right, James  Read More 
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New semester at JHU

A new semester has begun at Johns Hopkins. I'm teaching two classes -- Nonfiction Technqiues and a Nonfiction Workshop.
Tom Wolfe, Joan Didion, Truman Capote and Hunter Thompson are a few of the writers we'll be in looking at, especially in NF Techniques.
The JHU site has been added to the menu above. Plenty  Read More 
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Raise the Banner

My brother, Chris, and I are throwing our support behind the campaign to have a Braves banner hung from the rafters at HSBC Arena in downtown Buffalo.
It would honor the team and two of its superstars -- Hall of Famer Bob McAdoo and the late Randy Smith.
Here's a recent article about the  Read More 
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High Heat -- The Editing

Editing continues on High Heat (Da Capo Press). Pub date has been moved up to March 9, 2010, and the full title is now "High Heat: The Secret History of the Fastball and the Improbable Search for  Read More 
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The Beatles -- The Breakup

The Beatles have once again become the background music around here. Check out the cover story in Rolling Stone about the breakup and there's the book about how  Read More 
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High Heat -- Update

The final draft of HIGH HEAT: THE SEARCH FOR THE FASTEST PITCHER OF ALL TIME went off to the publisher (Da Capo Press) yesterday.
Part of the fun of the project was catching up what became my panel of experts (Norm Sherry, Hank Thomas, Jeff Torborg, Tommy John, etc.) and asking them who were  Read More 
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