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Great review from Booklist

It's 1864, and amid the ongoing U.S. Civil War, an impassioned Rebecca "Rory" Chase has just buried her last remaining family member. Spurred to action, she disguises herself as a man to enlist in a New York State Union regiment, but she is quickly found out.

Downcast and frustrated, Rory returns home to Auburn, where she is approached by her childhood friend Fanny Seward, daughter of Secretary of State William Seward. It turns out that Rory can defend her beloved Union. Two Confederate rebels suspected of planning a coup have been sighted along the Canada border.

She signs on as a courier, or spy, and is sent to Niagara Falls to uncover what she can of the rebels' complex plot. As Rory works to befriend the Confederate targets, she reconnects with people from her mother's past.

When the rebels' plans intensify, Rory finds herself in a race against time and significant odds. Based on actual yet long-obscured events, Wendel's absorbing novel is rich in dramatic history, while his depiction of Rory's internal conflicts brings depth to her high-stakes mission.

— Leah Strauss, Booklist

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